Hey Everyone,
Just a quick note to say we are off to a Cottage on Loon Lake, Near Haliburton. We will be out of contact until Wednesday at this stage. We didn't really get up to much this week, mainly because Erin was too embarrassed to be seen around me. We finished Bob's back patio on Tuesday, one of his neighbours said I look like a Raccoon. When I meet people now the first thing I say is "How ya going, I broke my nose". Yesterday Bob and his neighbour Candice took us for a bike ride down on lake shore about 45 mins to the West of his house. There was an old Estate there that has been preserved by the City, it has a pet cemetry there with proper carved out headstones for all the pets that the family had over the years in the early 1900s.
Anyway we are supposed to be packing for the trip so I better help. Ha Ha Ha :)
Looks like a battered husband!